University of Medicine, Mandalay

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University of Medicine, Mandalay

The University of Medicine, Mandalay (pronunciation: /ˈmændəˌleɪ/; etymology: derived from the city of Mandalay in Myanmar) is a medical school located in Mandalay, Myanmar. It is one of the leading medical universities in the country, offering a range of medical education programs.


The University of Medicine, Mandalay was established in 1954 as the Mandalay branch of the University of Rangoon. It became an independent university in 1964.


The university offers a variety of courses in the field of medicine, including MBBS, M.Med.Sc, M.D, and Ph.D.


The University of Medicine, Mandalay is equipped with a library, laboratories, lecture halls, and teaching hospitals to facilitate the learning process of the students.


The University of Medicine, Mandalay is affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Sports, and is recognized by the WHO and the MCI.

Notable alumni

Many notable physicians and surgeons have graduated from the University of Medicine, Mandalay, contributing significantly to the field of healthcare in Myanmar and beyond.

See also


External links


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