Topical anesthesia

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Topical anesthesia is a type of anesthesia that is used to numb the surface of a specific area of the body. It is often used in procedures that do not require a deep level of anesthesia, such as minor skin surgeries, eye surgeries, and dental procedures.


Topical anesthesia is pronounced as top-i-kal an-es-thee-zia.


The term "topical anesthesia" is derived from the Greek words "topos" meaning "place" and "anaisthēsia" meaning "without sensation".

Types of Topical Anesthesia

There are several types of topical anesthesia, including:

  • Lidocaine: A common type of topical anesthetic that is often used in dental procedures and minor skin surgeries.
  • Benzocaine: Another common type of topical anesthetic that is often used for pain relief on the skin and in the mouth.
  • Tetracaine: A powerful topical anesthetic that is often used in eye surgeries.

Related Terms

  • Local anesthesia: A type of anesthesia that numbs a small area of the body.
  • General anesthesia: A type of anesthesia that causes a loss of consciousness.
  • Sedation: The process of calming a patient using medication.

See Also

External links


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