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Tiotropium (pronounced tee-oh-TROH-pee-um) is a long-acting, 24-hour, anticholinergic bronchodilator used in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.


The name "Tiotropium" is derived from its chemical name, which is (1α, 2β, 4β, 5α, 7β)-7-[(Hydroxydi-2-thienylacetyl)oxy]-9,9-dimethyl-3-oxa-9-azoniatricyclo[,4]nonane.


Tiotropium is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing, shortness of breath) caused by ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, which includes bronchitis and emphysema). It works by relaxing the muscles around the airways so that they open up and you can breathe more easily.

Related Terms

  • Bronchodilator: A type of medication that relaxes and opens the airways in the lungs.
  • Anticholinergic: A substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A type of obstructive lung disease characterized by long-term breathing problems and poor airflow.
  • Asthma: A condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.

See Also

  • Inhaler: A medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs.
  • Pulmonology: The medical specialty dealing with diseases involving the respiratory tract.

External links


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