Tibialis anterior

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Tibialis Anterior

The Tibialis Anterior (pronounced: ti-BEE-lee-us an-TEER-ee-or) is a muscle in the human body. It is located in the anatomical region known as the anterior compartment of the leg.


The term "Tibialis Anterior" is derived from the Latin words 'tibia' meaning 'shin', and 'anterior' meaning 'front'. Thus, the term refers to the muscle located at the front of the shin.


The primary function of the Tibialis Anterior is to dorsiflex and invert the foot. It plays a crucial role in activities such as walking, running, and jumping.


The Tibialis Anterior originates from the upper two-thirds of the lateral (outside) surface of the tibia and inserts into the medial (inside) and under surface of the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal bone of the foot.

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