Thoracic vertebra

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Thoracic vertebra

The Thoracic vertebra (pronounced: tho-RAS-ik VER-te-bra) is a type of vertebra that forms the middle part of the vertebral column or spine. The term originates from the Greek word 'thorax', meaning 'chest', and the Latin word 'vertebra', meaning 'joint or segment of the spine'.


The thoracic vertebrae are distinguished by the presence of costal facets on the sides of the bodies for articulation with the heads of the ribs. There are typically twelve thoracic vertebrae in humans, labeled T1 through T12. Each thoracic vertebra has a body, a vertebral arch, and seven processes for muscular and articular connections.


The main function of the thoracic vertebrae is to protect the thoracic cavity, which houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs. They also provide attachment points for the ribs and muscles of the back and neck.

Related Terms

  • Vertebral column: The series of vertebrae extending from the base of the skull to the coccyx that forms the supporting axis of the body in vertebrate animals.
  • Ribs: The long curved bones which form the rib cage, providing protection to the thoracic organs.
  • Costal facets: The areas on the thoracic vertebrae where the ribs articulate.
  • Thoracic cavity: The chamber of the body of vertebrates that is protected by the thoracic vertebrae and the rib cage.

See Also

External links


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