Thiel–Behnke dystrophy

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Thiel–Behnke dystrophy

Thiel–Behnke dystrophy (pronounced: thee-el behn-ke dis-tro-fee), also known as Honeycomb-shaped corneal dystrophy or CDB2, is a rare form of corneal dystrophy. It is named after the German ophthalmologists who first described it, Richard Thiel and Friedrich Behnke.


The term "Thiel–Behnke" is derived from the names of the two German ophthalmologists, Richard Thiel and Friedrich Behnke, who first described this condition in 1967. The term "dystrophy" comes from the Greek words "dys", which means difficult or faulty, and "trophe", which means nourishment. Thus, "dystrophy" refers to a disorder in which an organ or tissue of the body loses its normal healthy condition or function.


Thiel–Behnke dystrophy is a type of corneal dystrophy, which is a group of rare, genetic eye disorders characterized by the abnormal accumulation of deposits in the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. In Thiel–Behnke dystrophy, the cornea develops a honeycomb-like pattern of changes that can lead to vision problems.


The main symptom of Thiel–Behnke dystrophy is the gradual loss of vision due to the development of a honeycomb-like pattern on the cornea. Other symptoms may include photophobia (sensitivity to light), epiphora (excessive tearing), and recurrent corneal erosion, which can cause sudden episodes of severe eye pain, redness, and sensitivity to light.


Treatment for Thiel–Behnke dystrophy is primarily aimed at managing the symptoms. This may include the use of lubricating eye drops or ointments to relieve dryness and discomfort, and the use of contact lenses to improve vision. In severe cases, a corneal transplant may be necessary.

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