T test

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T test

The T test (pronounced: /tiː tɛst/) is a statistical hypothesis testing method used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of two groups. The term "T test" was coined by William Sealy Gosset, a chemist working for the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland, who wrote under the pen name "Student".


The "T" in T test stands for "Student's", a pseudonym used by Gosset. The test is sometimes referred to as the Student's T test.

Types of T tests

There are three main types of T tests:

  • Independent samples T test - This is used when comparing the means of two independent groups. For example, comparing the test scores of students who studied with a tutor versus those who did not.
  • Paired samples T test - This is used when comparing the means of the same group at two different times. For example, comparing the test scores of students before and after a study session.
  • One-sample T test - This is used when comparing the mean of a single group to a known mean. For example, comparing the average test score of a class to the known average of all students.

Related Terms

  • P-value - The probability that the results of your test occurred at random. If your p-value is low, the results of your test are statistically significant.
  • Null hypothesis - The assumption that there is no significant difference between specified populations, any observed difference being due to sampling or experimental error.
  • Alternative hypothesis - The hypothesis that is contrary to the null hypothesis. It is usually taken to be that the observations are the result of a real effect.
  • Degrees of freedom - The number of independent values or quantities which can be assigned to a statistical distribution.

See Also

External links


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