T-bone steak

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T-bone steak

T-bone steak (/tiː.boʊn.steɪk/) is a cut of beef that is named for its distinctive T-shaped bone. It is a popular choice among steak enthusiasts for its tender texture and rich flavor.


The term "T-bone" is derived from the shape of the bone found in this cut of beef, which resembles the letter "T". The term "steak" comes from the Old Norse word "steik", meaning "roast".


A T-bone steak is cut from the short loin of the cow, located behind the rib cage and below the backbone. It includes a section of both the tenderloin and the strip steak, separated by a T-shaped bone. The tenderloin side is known for its tenderness, while the strip steak side offers a more robust flavor.


T-bone steaks are often grilled or broiled, and can also be pan-fried or roasted. They are typically served medium-rare to medium-well, depending on personal preference. Seasoning is usually simple, often consisting of just salt and pepper to allow the natural flavors of the beef to shine through.

Related Terms

  • Porterhouse steak: A larger version of the T-bone steak, with a more substantial portion of tenderloin.
  • Bone-in steak: A term for any steak cut that includes a portion of bone, such as the T-bone or ribeye steak.
  • Beefsteak: A general term for a large piece of beef suitable for grilling or broiling, including the T-bone steak.

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