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Submucous (pronunciation: /sʌbˈmjuːkəs/) is a term used in medical science to describe a structure or tissue that is situated or occurring beneath the mucous membrane.


The term "Submucous" is derived from the Latin words "sub" meaning under, and "mucous" which refers to a type of membrane that secretes mucus.

Related Terms

  • Mucous Membrane: A membrane that lines various cavities in the body and covers the surface of internal organs, producing mucus.
  • Mucus: A slimy substance, typically produced by mucous membranes, that provides protection or lubrication in the body.
  • Submucosal Layer: The layer of tissue beneath the mucous membrane.
  • Submucous Fibroid: A type of fibroid that grows just under the lining of the uterus.

See Also


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