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Submental (/sʌbˈmɛntəl/; from Latin sub meaning "under" and mentum meaning "chin") refers to the anatomical region located beneath the chin.


The term "submental" is derived from the Latin words sub, which means "under", and mentum, which means "chin". This term is used in anatomy to describe anything related to the area beneath the chin.

Related Terms

  • Mental region: The area of the lower face including the chin.
  • Submandibular: Pertaining to beneath the mandible or lower jaw.
  • Sublingual: Situated or applied under the tongue.
  • Lymph nodes: Small, bean-shaped organs that produce and store cells that fight infection and disease.
  • Submental triangle: A region of the neck bounded by the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, the hyoid bone, and the midline of the neck.


The term "submental" is pronounced as /sʌbˈmɛntəl/.

See Also

External links


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