Splenius capitis

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Splenius Capitis

The Splenius Capitis (pronounced: /ˈspliːniəs ˈkæpɪtɪs/) is a broad, straplike muscle in the back of the neck. It pulls on the base of the skull from the vertebrae in the neck and upper thorax. It is involved in movements such as shaking the head.


The term "Splenius Capitis" is derived from the Greek word "splenion" meaning bandage and the Latin word "caput" meaning head. This is due to the muscle's broad and bandage-like appearance in the back of the head.


The Splenius Capitis originates from the lower half of the ligamentum nuchae (a large ligament that runs down the back of the neck), and from the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and the first three thoracic vertebrae. It attaches to the mastoid process, which is a prominent bony bump just behind the ear, and the lateral third of the superior nuchal line - a ridge that runs horizontally along the back of the skull.


The Splenius Capitis is a major muscle of the neck that is responsible for several movements of the head. When both sides of the muscle act together, they extend the neck, allowing the head to tilt back. When one side acts alone, it causes the head to rotate and bend towards the same side, allowing for rotation of the head.

Related Terms

  • Splenius Cervicis: Another muscle that lies beneath the Splenius Capitis. It also helps in the rotation and bending of the neck.
  • Ligamentum Nuchae: A large ligament that runs down the back of the neck, from which the Splenius Capitis originates.
  • Superior Nuchal Line: A ridge that runs horizontally along the back of the skull, where the Splenius Capitis attaches.

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