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Sociocultural (pronunciation: /ˌsoʊsioʊˈkʌltʃərəl/) is an adjective that refers to the combined influence of social and cultural factors.


The term is a combination of the words "socio-" (from the Latin socius meaning "companion") and "cultural" (from the Latin cultura meaning "cultivation").


Sociocultural refers to the interplay of social and cultural factors and their collective influence on a person's behavior, thinking, and feelings. It is often used in various fields such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology to explain how societal norms and cultural context can shape individual and group behavior.

Related Terms

  • Sociocultural evolution: The process of change and development in human societies that results from the interaction of social and cultural elements.
  • Sociocultural theory: A theory in psychology that looks at the important contributions that society makes to individual development.
  • Sociocultural anthropology: A branch of anthropology that studies how society and culture affect individuals.
  • Sociocultural system: A concept in sociology that refers to the way in which society and culture form an interconnected system that influences human behavior and thought.

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