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Shotgun (Medical Term)

Shotgun (/ˈʃɒtɡʌn/), in the context of medical terminology, refers to a diagnostic or treatment approach where multiple tests or treatments are used simultaneously in the hope that one will work. The term is derived from the hunting tool, a shotgun, which scatters a wide array of small projectiles with the aim that at least one will hit the target.


The term "shotgun" in this context is borrowed from the hunting field. A shotgun fires a wide spread of small pellets, increasing the likelihood of hitting a target. Similarly, a shotgun approach in medicine involves using a broad range of tests or treatments in the hope that one will be effective.

Related Terms

  • Shotgun sequencing: A method used in genomics where DNA is broken up randomly into numerous small segments, which are sequenced to obtain the long sequence of the original DNA.
  • Shotgun proteomics: A high-throughput approach for identifying proteins in complex mixtures by using mass spectrometry techniques.
  • Shotgun approach: A strategy used in various fields, including medicine, where multiple methods are used simultaneously in the hope that one will be successful.

See Also

External links


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