Scala tympani

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Scala tympani

Scala tympani (pronounced: SKAH-luh tim-PAN-ee) is a part of the cochlea in the inner ear that plays a crucial role in the process of hearing.


The term "scala tympani" is derived from the Latin "scala" meaning "staircase" and "tympani" meaning "of the drum". This is in reference to its location and shape in the cochlea, which is reminiscent of a spiraling staircase.


The scala tympani is a fluid-filled cavity located in the cochlea of the inner ear. It is situated below the scala media and extends from the round window at the base of the cochlea to the hellicotrema at the apex. The scala tympani is filled with perilymph, a fluid that allows the transmission of sound vibrations to the auditory nerve fibers.


The primary function of the scala tympani is to transmit sound vibrations from the basilar membrane to the round window. This is achieved through the movement of perilymph within the scala tympani, which allows the vibrations to be transferred to the auditory nerve fibers and subsequently interpreted as sound by the brain.

Related Terms

  • Cochlea: The spiral-shaped part of the inner ear that is responsible for converting sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
  • Scala media: The middle chamber of the cochlea, located between the scala tympani and the scala vestibuli.
  • Perilymph: The fluid that fills the scala tympani and scala vestibuli in the cochlea.
  • Basilar membrane: A membrane in the cochlea that separates the scala media from the scala tympani.
  • Hellicotrema: The apex of the cochlea where the scala vestibuli and scala tympani meet.
  • Round window: A membrane-covered opening in the cochlea that allows the perilymph in the scala tympani to move in response to sound vibrations.

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