Santa Claus melon

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Santa Claus Melon

The Santa Claus Melon, also known as Christmas Melon or Piel de Sapo (pronunciation: /ˈsæntə ˈklɔːz ˈmɛlən/; /krɪs(t)məs ˈmɛlən/; /piːl deɪ ˈsɑːpoʊ/), is a variety of melon (Cucumis melo) that is primarily grown in Spain and is available in the late summer and fall months.


The name "Santa Claus Melon" is derived from its late-season maturity, ripening around Christmas in warmer climates. The Spanish name "Piel de Sapo" translates to "toad skin", referring to the melon's thick, mottled green rind that resembles the skin of a toad.


The Santa Claus Melon is oval-shaped and typically weighs between 2-5 kilograms. It has a thick, green, mottled rind that is resistant to bruising. The flesh of the melon is pale yellow to bright white and is known for its sweet, succulent flavor and crisp texture.


Santa Claus Melons are grown in warm climates and require a long growing season. They are typically planted in the spring and harvested in the late summer or early fall. The melons are known for their long shelf life, often lasting until Christmas, hence the name.

Nutritional Value

Like other melons, the Santa Claus Melon is low in calories and high in vitamin C and potassium. It also contains a good amount of dietary fiber and is hydrating due to its high water content.

Related Terms

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