Rochester Institute of Technology

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Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology (ˈrɒtʃɪstər ˈɪnstɪˌtjuːt ɒv ˈtɛknɒlədʒi) is a private research university in the town of Henrietta in the Rochester area. The university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral and professional degrees.


The Rochester Institute of Technology was founded in 1829 as the Rochester Athenaeum. The name was changed to the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1944 to reflect the institute's evolution from a set of narrowly focused professional programs to a full-fledged technical institute.

Related Terms

  • Research university: A university that is committed to research as a central part of its mission. They are often involved in the creation of new knowledge and technology.
  • Henrietta: A town in Monroe County, New York, United States. It is home to the Rochester Institute of Technology.
  • Rochester: A city in the U.S. state of New York, the county seat of Monroe County, and the third-most populous city in New York state, after New York City and Buffalo.
  • Undergraduate degree: An academic degree earned by a person who has completed undergraduate courses.
  • Graduate degree: An academic degree that is more specialized and focused than an undergraduate degree.
  • Doctoral degree: The highest level of academic degree in most fields.
  • Professional degree: A degree that prepares someone to work in a particular profession.

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