Risk difference

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Risk Difference

Risk difference (RD), also known as absolute risk reduction (ARR), is a statistical term used in epidemiology and public health. It is a measure of the absolute change in risk or probability of a health outcome in an exposed population compared to an unexposed population.


Risk Difference: /rɪsk 'dɪf(ə)rəns/


The term "risk difference" is derived from the English words "risk", which comes from the early 17th century French word 'risque', and "difference", which originates from the Latin word 'differentia'.


Risk difference is calculated as the incidence in the exposed group minus the incidence in the unexposed group. It is a measure of the impact of a risk factor on a population, rather than an individual. It is used in both observational studies and randomized controlled trials.

Related Terms

  • Relative risk: A measure of the strength of the association between exposure and disease. It is calculated as the risk in the exposed group divided by the risk in the unexposed group.
  • Odds ratio: A measure of association between an exposure and an outcome. It represents the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure.
  • Confidence interval: A range of values, derived from a statistical procedure, that is likely to contain the true value of an unknown population parameter.
  • Epidemiology: The study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why.
  • Public health: The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts of society.

See Also

External links


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