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Returning (/rɪˈtɜːrnɪŋ/) is a term often used in the medical field to describe the process of a patient's condition reverting back to a previous state or condition.


The term "returning" originates from the Old French retorner, which means to turn back or return.

Related Terms

  • Relapse: A relapse is when a person's health condition deteriorates after an improvement. It is often used interchangeably with returning.
  • Recovery: Recovery is the process of returning to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
  • Remission: Remission refers to the period during which the symptoms of a disease are reduced or disappear. It is the opposite of returning.
  • Recurrence: Recurrence is the return of a sign, symptom, or disease after a remission.

Usage in Medical Context

In a medical context, returning is often used to describe a situation where a patient's symptoms or condition return after a period of improvement or remission. This can occur in various medical conditions such as cancer, mental health disorders, and chronic diseases.

For example, a patient with cancer may be said to be "returning" if their cancer comes back after a period of remission. Similarly, a patient with a mental health disorder may be described as "returning" if their symptoms come back after a period of improvement.

See Also

External links


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