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Medical Dictionary

The Medical Dictionary is a specialized lexicon used by healthcare professionals to understand and communicate complex medical terminology. It includes definitions, pronunciation, etymology, and related terms for a wide range of medical concepts.


The pronunciation of medical terms can vary widely, depending on the origin of the word and the region in which it is used. Many medical terms are derived from Latin or Greek words, and the pronunciation of these words can be challenging for those not familiar with these languages.


The etymology of medical terms often provides insight into the meaning of the term. For example, the word "cardiology" comes from the Greek words "kardia," meaning heart, and "logos," meaning study. Thus, cardiology is the study of the heart.

Related Terms

Related terms in a medical dictionary often include synonyms, antonyms, and other words that are related to the main term. For example, related terms for "cardiology" might include "cardiologist," "cardiac," and "heart disease."

Internal Links

Internal links are used in a mediawiki source code to connect related articles within the same wiki. They are created by placing double square brackets ([[ ]]) around the word or phrase that should be linked. For example, Heart would link to the article about the heart.

Proper Case

Proper case, also known as title case, is the standard formatting for titles and headings in English. In proper case, the first letter of each major word is capitalized. For example, "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog" is in proper case.

This article belongs to the category of Medical Terminology, which includes articles related to medical terms and their meanings, pronunciation, etymology, and related terms.


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