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Representative (Medicine)

Representative (pronunciation: /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/) in the field of medicine refers to a professional who represents a pharmaceutical or medical equipment company. They are responsible for promoting their company's products, such as prescription drugs and medical equipment, to doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals.


The term "representative" originates from the Latin word "repraesentativus", which means "one who represents". In the context of medicine, it refers to a person who represents a medical or pharmaceutical company.

Roles and Responsibilities

A Medical Representative is tasked with several responsibilities. They are expected to understand the product's benefits and risks, communicate this information to healthcare professionals, and influence their prescribing habits to favor their company's products. They also need to maintain detailed records of all their customer contacts and update their knowledge of the product, its competitors, and their company's strategy.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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