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Reporting (Medicine)

Reporting (pronunciation: /rɪˈpɔːtɪŋ/) in the context of medicine refers to the systematic documentation of patient health information, clinical findings, and medical procedures. It is a crucial aspect of healthcare delivery, facilitating communication among healthcare professionals and contributing to the continuity of patient care.


The term 'reporting' is derived from the Latin word 'reportare', which means 'to bring back'. In the medical context, it signifies the process of bringing back or conveying information about a patient's health status.

Types of Reporting

There are several types of reporting in medicine, including:

  • Clinical Reporting: This involves the documentation of a patient's clinical history, physical examination findings, and the results of investigations.
  • Radiology Reporting: This refers to the process of interpreting and documenting the findings of radiological investigations such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans.
  • Pathology Reporting: This involves the documentation of the findings of pathological investigations, such as tissue biopsy and blood tests.

Importance of Reporting

Reporting in medicine serves several important functions, including:

  • Facilitating communication among healthcare professionals
  • Ensuring the continuity of patient care
  • Contributing to medical research and education
  • Enabling quality control and improvement in healthcare delivery
  • Facilitating legal documentation and medico-legal issues

Related Terms

  • Medical Record: A systematic documentation of a patient's medical history and care.
  • Clinical Documentation: The process of recording patient information, clinical findings, and medical procedures.
  • Medical Transcription: The process of transcribing voice-recorded medical reports into text format.

External links


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