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Removal (ri-moo-vuhl)

Removal is a medical term referring to the act of taking something away or off, either for therapeutic or cosmetic reasons. This can apply to a wide range of medical procedures, from the removal of a tumor to the extraction of a tooth.


The term "removal" originates from the Latin word "removere" which means "move back or away".

Related Terms

  • Extraction: This is a specific type of removal, often used in dentistry to refer to the process of removing a tooth.
  • Excision: This is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of tissue or an organ from the body.
  • Amputation: This is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery.
  • Debridement: This is the medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the remaining healthy tissue.
  • Ablation: This is the removal of a body tissue or an organ.

See Also

External links


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