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Quantification (Medicine)

Quantification (pronounced: kwon-ti-fi-kay-shun) in the field of medicine refers to the process of measuring or estimating the quantity of a specific variable, particularly in the context of clinical laboratory tests and medical diagnostics.


The term 'quantification' is derived from the Latin word 'quantus', meaning 'how much', and the suffix '-fication', which implies the act of making or doing something. Thus, quantification essentially means the act of determining 'how much' of something is present.

Related Terms

  • Quantitative analysis: This is a technique used in various fields, including medicine, to accurately determine the quantity of a specific substance in a sample.
  • Quantitative research: This is a systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.
  • Quantitative PCR: This is a laboratory technique in molecular biology used to amplify and simultaneously quantify a targeted DNA molecule.
  • Quantitative imaging: This is a part of medical imaging that deals with the extraction of quantifiable measures from images.

See Also

External links


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