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Pyrophobia (/ˌpaɪroʊˈfoʊbiə/; from the Greek: πῦρ, pyr, "fire" and φόβος, phóbos, "fear") is an intense and irrational fear of fire. It is classified as a specific phobia, under the subtype of natural environment type phobias.


The term Pyrophobia comes from the Greek words "pyr" meaning fire and "phobos" meaning fear.


People with Pyrophobia may experience intense anxiety or panic attacks when they encounter fire, or even when they simply think about fire. Symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and an overwhelming desire to flee.


Like many phobias, Pyrophobia is often caused by a traumatic experience related to fire, such as being burned or witnessing a destructive fire. However, it can also be caused by learned behavior or genetics.


Treatment for Pyrophobia typically involves cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals to change their thought patterns and behaviors. Exposure therapy may also be used, which involves gradual exposure to the feared object or situation in a safe environment.

Related Terms

  • Arsonphobia - Fear of fire or of fire's consequences.
  • Phobia - An excessive and irrational fear reaction.
  • Specific Phobia - A significant and persistent fear caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation.

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