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Pre-pharmacy (pronunciation: pre-far-muh-see) is a term used to describe the course of study that a student pursues in preparation for a degree program in Pharmacy.


The term "Pre-pharmacy" is derived from the prefix "pre-" meaning "before" and "pharmacy" from the Greek word "pharmakeia" meaning "use of drugs, medicines, potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft; remedy, cure."


Pre-pharmacy is not a major or degree in itself, but a set of coursework that is taken to prepare a student for a program in pharmacy. This coursework typically includes subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, which are foundational to the study of pharmacy.

Related Terms

  • Pharmacy: The science or practice of the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs.
  • Pharmacology: The branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs.
  • Pharmacist: A person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
  • Pharmacy School: An educational institution, or part thereof, providing education and training to become a pharmacist.

See Also

External links


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