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Pre-medical (pronunciation: /priːˈmɛdɪkəl/), often abbreviated as pre-med, is an educational track that undergraduate students in the United States and Canada pursue prior to becoming medical students. It involves the activities that prepare a student for medical school, such as pre-med coursework, volunteer activities, clinical experience, research, and the application process. Some pre-med programs providing broad preparation are referred to as pre-professional and may simultaneously prepare students for entry into a variety of first professional degree or graduate school programs that require similar prerequisites.


The term "pre-medical" is derived from the prefix "pre-" (from Latin prae, meaning 'before') and "medical" (from Latin medicus, meaning 'physician'). Thus, it refers to the preparation and education that occurs before attending medical school.

Related Terms

  • Medical school: An educational institution that teaches medicine and awards a professional degree for physicians and surgeons.
  • Undergraduate education: The first level of post-secondary education students can pursue, which often includes pre-medical coursework.
  • Clinical experience: Hands-on experience in a healthcare setting, often required for admission to medical school.
  • Volunteer activities: Unpaid work, often in a healthcare or research setting, that can demonstrate a pre-med student's commitment to helping others.
  • Research: The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. In a pre-med context, this often involves medical or scientific research.
  • Application process: The process of applying to medical school, which can include submitting an application, writing a personal statement, and attending interviews.

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