Positive feedback

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Positive Feedback

Positive feedback (pronounced: /ˈpɒzɪtɪv ˈfiːdbæk/) is a concept in biology and medicine that refers to a process that increases the output of a particular system. The term is derived from the Latin words positivus meaning "settled by agreement, positive" and feedback from the Old English fēdan meaning "to nourish, feed".


Positive feedback is a mechanism or process that tends to accelerate the output of a system. It occurs when the product of a reaction leads to an increase in that reaction. In other words, the output enhances the original stimulus. Positive feedback is often a normal way of producing rapid change.

Examples in Medicine

In medicine, positive feedback mechanisms are often involved in the process of blood clotting and the labor process during childbirth.

In blood clotting, once a clot begins to form, it promotes further clotting until the damage is repaired. During childbirth, the release of oxytocin causes uterine contractions and these contractions then cause more oxytocin to be released.

Related Terms

  • Negative feedback: A process that reduces the output of a system in order to stabilize or re-establish internal equilibrium.
  • Homeostasis: The state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.
  • Oxytocin: A hormone that plays a role in social bonding, reproduction, and childbirth.


The term "positive feedback" was first used in the context of mechanical and electronic engineering, but has since been applied to a wide variety of other contexts, including biology and medicine. The word "positive" in this context means "adding to" or "enhancing", and "feedback" refers to the return of a portion of the output of a system.

See Also

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