Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
TermPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
Short definitionpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - (pronounced) (pah-lee-SY-klik AYR-oh-MA-tik HY-droh-KAR-Bun) type of chemical produced when coal, oil, gas, garbage, tobacco, meat, and other substances are burned. These chemicals are also manufactured for use in many products including coal tar, creosote, roof tar, pesticides, mothballs, dandruff shampoos and some medicines. 
TypeCancer terms

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - (pronounced) (pah-lee-SY-klik AYR-oh-MA-tik HY-droh-KAR-Bun) type of chemical produced when coal, oil, gas, garbage, tobacco, meat, and other substances are burned. These chemicals are also manufactured for use in many products including coal tar, creosote, roof tar, pesticides, mothballs, dandruff shampoos and some medicines. Long-term exposure to any of these chemicals can cause cancer. Also called PAH

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