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Pitchfork (Medical)

Pitchfork (/ˈpɪtʃfɔːrk/) is a term used in the medical field, particularly in the context of genetics and cytogenetics, to describe a specific pattern observed in chromosome banding.


The term "pitchfork" is derived from the English word for a tool used for lifting and throwing loose material, due to the resemblance of the pattern to the prongs of a pitchfork.


In cytogenetics, a pitchfork pattern refers to a specific arrangement of chromosomes during metaphase, where the chromosomes align in a way that resembles a pitchfork. This pattern is often observed in certain genetic disorders and can be used as a diagnostic tool in genetic testing.

Related Terms

  • Metaphase: A stage of cell division where chromosomes align in the middle of the cell before being separated into two new cells.
  • Chromosome Banding: A technique used in cytogenetics to visualize the structure of chromosomes.
  • Cytogenetics: A branch of genetics that studies the structure and function of cells, particularly the chromosomes within them.
  • Genetic Disorder: A disease caused by abnormalities in an individual's genetic material.

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