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Pisiform (pronunciation: /ˈpaɪsɪfɔːrm/) is a small, pea-shaped bone found in the human wrist. It is one of the eight carpal bones that make up the wrist (carpus). The term "pisiform" is derived from the Latin word "pisum," which means "pea," and the suffix "-form," which means "shape."


The pisiform is situated where the ulna (one of the two bones in the forearm) meets the carpus (wrist). It is unique among the carpal bones as it is situated on the anterior (front) side of the carpal row, and it is also the only carpal bone that only articulates with one other bone, the triquetrum.


The pisiform serves as a support structure for the tendons that control movement in the little finger. It also helps with wrist flexion and provides protection to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, which is responsible for bending the wrist and fingers.

Related Terms

  • Carpus: The complex of eight small bones that form the wrist.
  • Ulna: One of the two long bones in the forearm.
  • Triquetrum: A carpal bone situated on the outer side of the wrist.
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris: A muscle of the human forearm that acts to flex and adduct the wrist.

See Also

External links


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