Physiological cross-sectional area

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Physiological Cross-Sectional Area (PCSA)

Physiological Cross-Sectional Area (PCSA) is a term used in anatomy and physiology to describe the total cross-sectional area of a muscle perpendicular to its fibers, generally at its largest point. It is a key factor in determining the muscle's force-generating capacity.


Phy-si-o-lo-gi-cal Cross-Sec-tion-al Area


The term is derived from the Greek word "physiologia" meaning 'study of nature,' and the Latin words "cross" and "sectionalis" meaning 'intersecting' and 'pertaining to a section,' respectively. The term "area" comes from the Latin "area" meaning 'open space.'

Related Terms

  • Muscle Fiber: The individual contractile units that make up a muscle. The PCSA is calculated by dividing the muscle volume by the length of the muscle fibers.
  • Muscle Force: The force that a muscle can exert, which is directly related to its PCSA.
  • Muscle Volume: The total space occupied by a muscle, used in calculating the PCSA.
  • Muscle Length: The length of a muscle, used in calculating the PCSA.


The PCSA of a muscle can be calculated using the formula:

PCSA = Muscle Volume / (Muscle Length x Muscle Fiber Length)

This calculation assumes that the muscle fibers are parallel to each other and that the muscle is of uniform density.


The PCSA of a muscle is directly proportional to the force it can generate. A larger PCSA indicates a stronger muscle. This is because the force a muscle can generate is dependent on the total number of sarcomeres (the basic unit of muscle contraction) in parallel. As the PCSA increases, so does the number of sarcomeres, and thus the potential force.

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