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Pending (pronunciation: /ˈpɛndɪŋ/, from Latin pendere, meaning "to hang") is a term often used in the medical field to denote a situation or condition that is awaiting a decision or outcome.


In a medical context, "pending" is typically used to describe test results or diagnoses that have not yet been finalized. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the need for further testing, the complexity of the case, or the need for consultation with other medical professionals.

Related Terms

  • Diagnosis: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
  • Prognosis: The likely course of a disease or ailment.
  • Medical Test: A kind of medical procedure performed to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases, disease processes, susceptibility, or to determine a course of treatment.
  • Consultation: A meeting with an expert or professional, such as a medical doctor, in order to seek advice.


The term "pending" is often used in patient reports and medical documentation. For example, a doctor might write in a patient's chart that their diagnosis is "pending" until more test results come in. It is also commonly used in hospital settings, where tests and procedures often need to be scheduled and results can take time to process.

See Also

External links


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