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Peak (medicine)

Peak (pronounced: /pi:k/) is a term often used in the field of medicine to refer to the highest point or maximum level of a particular measurement, such as blood pressure, heart rate, or the concentration of a drug in the bloodstream.


The term "peak" originates from the Old English word "píc", which means a pointed hill or elevation. In a medical context, it is used metaphorically to describe the highest point of a graph or chart representing a physiological measurement.

Related Terms

  • Peak Flow: A measurement of the maximum speed of expiration, often used in the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma.
  • Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR): The maximum speed of expiration, measured in liters per minute.
  • Peak Level: The highest concentration of a drug in the bloodstream after administration.
  • Peak Pressure: The maximum pressure generated during a breath in mechanical ventilation.
  • Peak Heart Rate: The highest heart rate achieved during a maximal exercise test.

See Also

External links


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