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Panax (/pəˈnæks/), also known as ginseng, is a genus of plants in the family Araliaceae. The term "Panax" is derived from the Greek words "pan" (meaning "all") and "akos" (meaning "cure"), signifying its historical use as a panacea or cure-all in traditional medicine.


The name "Panax" comes from the Greek words "pan" and "akos", which together mean "all-healing". This reflects the traditional belief in the plant's wide-ranging medicinal properties. The term "ginseng" is derived from the Chinese term "rénshēn", where "rén" means "person" and "shēn" means "plant root". This refers to the root's characteristic forked shape, which resembles the legs of a person.


There are several species of Panax, including:

  • Panax ginseng - Often referred to as Korean ginseng, it is native to the Korean Peninsula and northeastern China.
  • Panax quinquefolius - Also known as American ginseng, it is native to eastern North America.
  • Panax notoginseng - Known as notoginseng, it is native to China and is used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Panax vietnamensis - Known as Vietnamese ginseng, it is native to certain parts of Vietnam.

Medicinal Uses

Panax species, particularly Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius, are known for their medicinal properties. They are often used in traditional medicine for their supposed restorative properties, and are commonly used in modern herbal supplements. The active compounds in Panax species are called ginsenosides, and they are believed to have a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Related Terms

  • Ginsenosides - The active compounds found in Panax species.
  • Traditional medicine - The use of natural plants and herbs, such as Panax, for healing and treatment of ailments.
  • Herbal supplements - Products made from plants for use in improving health and well-being.

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