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Panama (medical term)

Panama (pronunciation: /pænəˈmɑː/) is a term used in the medical field, particularly in the field of tropical medicine. It is often associated with the Panama disease, a plant disease that affects banana plants, but it also has other medical implications.


The term "Panama" is derived from the country of Panama, where the disease was first identified. The name of the country itself is believed to come from a local indigenous word meaning "abundance of fish", but in the medical context, it has been adopted to refer to the disease that has had a significant impact on the country's agriculture.

Related Terms

  • Panama disease: A disease that affects banana plants, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. It is named after the country of Panama, where it was first identified.
  • Tropical medicine: The branch of medicine that deals with health problems that occur uniquely, are more widespread, or prove more difficult to control in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • Banana: A fruit that is a key agricultural product in Panama and is affected by Panama disease.

See Also

External links


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