Outpatient department

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Outpatient department

Outpatient department (pronunciation: /ˈaʊtˌpeɪʃənt dɪˈpɑːrtmənt/) is a part of a hospital or a health care facility where patients receive care without being admitted to the facility.


The term "outpatient" comes from the fact that such patients do not require hospitalization. It is derived from the words "out" meaning not in, and "patient" referring to a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment. The term "department" refers to a specialized division within a larger organization or structure.

Related terms

  • Inpatient care: This is a type of health care where the patient is admitted to the hospital and stays overnight or for an extended period of time.
  • Ambulatory care: This is a type of health care where the patient receives services on an outpatient basis but may require a higher level of care than regular outpatient care.
  • Emergency department: This is a specialized department in a hospital that provides immediate care to patients with urgent health issues.
  • Primary care: This is the first point of contact for patients in the health care system and usually involves general practitioners.


Outpatient departments provide a variety of services, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy, and follow-up care. These departments are designed to be more convenient for patients, as they can receive care without the need for hospital admission. Services offered can range from routine check-ups and minor surgeries to more complex procedures like chemotherapy.

Outpatient departments play a crucial role in reducing hospital overcrowding and improving patient flow. They also help to reduce health care costs, as outpatient care is typically less expensive than inpatient care.

See also

External links


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