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Oscar (Medical Term)

Oscar (/ˈɒskər/), in the medical field, is a term used to refer to a specific type of medical robot that is used in various healthcare settings. The term "Oscar" is not an acronym, but rather a name given to this type of robot. The etymology of the term is not known.


An Oscar is a type of medical robot that is designed to assist healthcare professionals in various tasks. These tasks can range from simple tasks such as delivering medications and supplies, to more complex tasks such as assisting in surgeries.


The term Oscar is used in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. It is often used in reference to the robot's role in assisting healthcare professionals.

Related Terms

  • Medical Robot: A robot that is designed to assist in various healthcare tasks.
  • Robot-Assisted Surgery: A type of surgery where a robot is used to assist the surgeon.
  • Telemedicine: The use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely.

See Also

External links


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