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Short definitiononabotulinum toxin A - (pronounced) (ON-uh-BAH-choo-LY-num-TOK-sin-A) drug used to treat certain medical conditions. These include profuse sweating under the arms and severe muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders. 
TypeCancer terms

Oncogene - (pronounced) (ON koh jeen) mutated (altered) form of a type of gene called a proto-oncogene that is involved in normal cell growth and division. When a proto-oncogene is altered in a way that makes too many copies or becomes more active than normal, it is called an oncogene. Oncogenes can cause normal cells to become cancerous and grow in the body. Mutations that result in the conversion of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes usually occur during a person's lifetime and are not inherited from a parent

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