List of Doctors by state (US)
This is a list of Occupational therapists in Wyoming with table column headers that are sortable. You can simply click on the column header in order to re-arrange the information such as by state, specialty or years of experience etc.
WikiMD's Doctor Finder - click on a state or territory.
Name |
Credentials |
Medical school |
Graduation year |
Primary specialty |
Secondary specialties |
organization |
City |
State |
Zip |
Hospital affiliations |
Cassandra Bennett 1336473743 |
2,005 |
Occupational Therapy |
Pinedale |
WY |
82941 |
Kelsey Nelson 1417282070 |
2,009 |
Occupational Therapy |
Douglas |
WY |
82633 |
Sarah Peterson 1215540794 |
2,020 |
Occupational Therapy |
Pinedale |
WY |
82941 |
Traci Smith 1194912428 |
2,003 |
Occupational Therapy |
Gillette |
WY |
82718 |
Daniel Clouston 1407804180 |
1,999 |
Occupational Therapy |
Gillette |
WY |
82718 |
Brianne Dandrea 1891326385 |
2,019 |
Occupational Therapy |
Sheridan |
WY |
82801 |
Kimberly Krumm 1548301542 |
2,015 |
Occupational Therapy |
Cheyenne |
WY |
82001 |
Karol Santistevan 1902374093 |
University of North Dakota School of Medicine |
2,018 |
Occupational Therapy |
Casper |
WY |
82604 |
Drew Anderson 1083264089 |
2,019 |
Occupational Therapy |
Laramie |
WY |
82070 |
Virginia Rieger 1932432101 |
2,000 |
Occupational Therapy |
Sheridan |
WY |
82801 |
Brenda Walker 1306377395 |
1,997 |
Occupational Therapy |
Arapahoe |
WY |
82510 |
Bonnie Richards 1558325068 |
University of North Dakota School of Medicine |
2,001 |
Occupational Therapy |
Douglas |
WY |
82633 |
Susan Wright 1396907895 |
2,002 |
Occupational Therapy |
Arapahoe |
WY |
82510 |
Olivia Donald 1003029653 |
2,007 |
Occupational Therapy |
Casper |
WY |
82609 |