Obliterating endarteritis

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Obliterating Endarteritis

Obliterating endarteritis (pronunciation: ob-lit-er-ating end-ar-ter-i-tis) is a pathological condition characterized by the inflammation and subsequent occlusion of the inner layer of an artery.


The term "obliterating endarteritis" is derived from the Latin word "obliterare" which means "to cause to disappear" or "efface", and the Greek words "endo" meaning "within", "arteria" referring to "artery", and "itis" denoting "inflammation".


Obliterating endarteritis is a progressive inflammatory disease that results in the narrowing and eventual blockage of the arteries. This condition primarily affects the small and medium-sized arteries, leading to reduced blood flow and potential tissue damage in the affected areas.


The symptoms of obliterating endarteritis largely depend on the location and extent of the affected arteries. Common symptoms may include pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area, as well as potential tissue death if the blood supply is severely compromised.


Obliterating endarteritis is often associated with certain autoimmune diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own arteries. Other potential causes include bacterial or viral infections, and certain medications or drugs.


Treatment for obliterating endarteritis typically involves managing the underlying cause of the disease. This may include anti-inflammatory medications, immunosuppressive drugs, or antibiotics if an infection is present. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to restore blood flow.

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