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Number (Medicine)

Number (pronounced: /ˈnʌmbər/) is a term used in medicine to quantify or measure various aspects of health and disease. It can refer to the count of cells in a sample, the dosage of a medication, or the severity of a symptom, among other things.


The term "number" comes from the Middle English numbre, which in turn comes from Old French nombre. The original source is the Latin numerus.

Usage in Medicine

In medicine, numbers are used in a variety of ways. They can be used to quantify the severity of a symptom, such as pain on a scale of 1 to 10. They can also be used to measure the concentration of a substance in the body, such as the number of glucose molecules in a blood sample. Numbers are also used to determine the dosage of a medication, with the number indicating the amount of the active ingredient.

Related Terms

  • Count: In medicine, a count often refers to the number of cells in a sample, such as a blood count.
  • Dosage: The amount of a medication or other treatment to be given. The dosage is often expressed as a number.
  • Scale: A system for measuring or grading something. In medicine, scales are often used to quantify symptoms or outcomes, and are based on numbers.
  • Concentration: The amount of a substance in a given volume. In medicine, concentrations are often measured in numbers, such as milligrams per liter.

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