Northern Territory

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Northern Territory

The Northern Territory (pronunciation: /ˈnɔːrðən ˈtɛrɪtəri/) is a federal territory of Australia, occupying much of the central and western part of the country. The term is often abbreviated as NT.


The name "Northern Territory" has been in use since 1863, when it was adopted by the British government during the expansion of the Colony of South Australia to the north. The name reflects the territory's location in the northern part of Australia.

Related Terms

  • Darwin: The capital city of the Northern Territory.
  • Alice Springs: A significant town in the Northern Territory, known for its proximity to various natural wonders.
  • Uluru: A large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, also known as Ayers Rock.
  • Kakadu National Park: A protected area in the Northern Territory, listed as a World Heritage Site.
  • Aboriginal Australians: The indigenous people of Australia, many of whom reside in the Northern Territory.
  • Outback: The vast, unpopulated and mainly arid areas that comprise Australia's interior and remote coasts, much of which is in the Northern Territory.

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