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A Nightclub (pronunciation: /ˈnaɪtˌklʌb/) is a venue that is typically open late into the night, where people gather for entertainment such as music, dancing, and socializing.


The term "nightclub" is believed to have originated in the late 19th century, during the time when establishments started to provide entertainment and music to their patrons late into the night. The term combines "night", referring to the time of day, and "club", referring to a place where people gather for social or recreational activities.

Related Terms

  • Disc Jockey (DJ): A person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience, typically in a nightclub setting.
  • Dance Floor: A designated area for dancing within a nightclub.
  • Bouncer: A security guard employed by a nightclub to maintain order and safety.
  • Bar (establishment): A retail business establishment that serves alcoholic beverages, often part of a nightclub.
  • Live Music: Music that is performed in real-time, often featured in nightclubs.
  • Cover Charge: An entrance fee sometimes charged at bars, nightclubs, or restaurants.

See Also

External links


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