Neural drug delivery systems

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Neural Drug Delivery Systems

Neural drug delivery systems (pronunciation: /ˈnʊərəl drʌg dɪˈlɪvəri sɪstəmz/) are a class of drug delivery systems specifically designed to transport therapeutic agents to the nervous system.


The term "neural" is derived from the Latin word "neuralis," which means "pertaining to the nerves." The term "drug delivery systems" is a combination of the words "drug," which refers to a substance used for medical treatment, and "delivery systems," which refers to the methods or processes used to deliver something from one location to another.


Neural drug delivery systems are designed to overcome the challenges associated with delivering therapeutic agents to the nervous system. These challenges include the blood-brain barrier, which prevents many drugs from reaching the brain, and the complexity of the nervous system, which makes it difficult to target specific areas for treatment.

There are several types of neural drug delivery systems, including intrathecal delivery, intranasal delivery, and convection-enhanced delivery. These systems use different methods to deliver drugs to the nervous system, but all aim to improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce side effects.

Related Terms

  • Blood-brain barrier: A protective barrier that separates the brain from the circulatory system and prevents many substances, including drugs, from entering the brain.
  • Intrathecal delivery: A method of drug delivery that involves injecting drugs directly into the spinal canal.
  • Intranasal delivery: A method of drug delivery that involves administering drugs through the nose.
  • Convection-enhanced delivery: A method of drug delivery that uses a pump to deliver drugs directly to the brain.

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