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Short definitionmyocarditis - (pronounced) (MY-oh-kar-DY-tis) rare condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick and inflamed, and can also become weak. Myocarditis is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be caused by bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections; autoimmune diseases; or exposed to radiation or certain chemicals or drugs. 
TypeCancer terms

myocarditis - (pronounced) (MY-oh-kar-DY-tis) rare condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick and inflamed, and can also become weak. Myocarditis is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be caused by bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections; autoimmune diseases; or exposed to radiation or certain chemicals or drugs. Signs and symptoms include chest pain, fast or abnormal heartbeat, difficulty breathing, tiredness, and swelling of the legs. Other signs and symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, sore throat and diarrhea. Some patients have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Sometimes the symptoms can be severe or life-threatening, leading to heart failure, stroke, or heart attack

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