Muscle relaxant

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Muscle relaxant
TermMuscle relaxant
Short definitionmuscle relaxant - (MUH-sul ree-LAK-sunt) type of drug used to relax muscles and reduce tension, stiffness, and pain caused by muscle spasms or spasticity (stiff, rigid muscles). Muscle relaxants are also used to prevent muscle movement during surgery. 
TypeCancer terms

muscle relaxant - (MUH-sul ree-LAK-sunt) type of drug used to relax muscles and reduce tension, stiffness, and pain caused by muscle spasms or spasticity (stiff, rigid muscles). Muscle relaxants are also used to prevent muscle movement during surgery. There are many different types of muscle relaxants. Some work by blocking certain nerve receptors in the brain or spinal cord, while others act directly on muscle fibers in the body to relax muscles

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