Medical symptom
Medical Symptom
A medical symptom (pronunciation: /ˈmɛdɪkəl ˈsɪmptəm/) is a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient. Derived from the Greek words "symptoma" meaning "anything that has befallen one, an incident, a happening" and "medicus" meaning "pertaining to healing".
Medical symptoms are subjective indications of a possible disease or disorder experienced by an individual. Unlike medical signs, which can be observed and measured objectively, symptoms are felt or noticed by the person. They are the patient's own account of their health problem.
Types of Medical Symptoms
Medical symptoms can be classified into two major categories: somatic symptoms and psychological symptoms. Somatic symptoms are those related to the body, such as pain or fatigue, while psychological symptoms are related to the mind, such as anxiety or depression.
The process of identifying a disease by its symptoms is known as diagnosis. Medical professionals use symptoms as clues to determine the underlying cause of the patient's discomfort or distress. This often involves a process of elimination, using various tests and assessments to rule out certain conditions.
Treatment for medical symptoms depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, symptoms can be managed with medication or therapy, while in others, they may resolve on their own once the underlying condition is treated.
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