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Meadow (pronunciation: /ˈmɛd.oʊ/) is a type of habitat found in temperate regions throughout the world. It is typically composed of non-woody vegetation such as grasses and forbs, and is often used for agriculture or grazing.


The term 'meadow' originates from the Old English 'mǣdwe', which is derived from the Proto-Germanic '*mēdwoją'. It is related to the Dutch 'weide' and German 'Weide', both meaning 'pasture'.

Related Terms

  • Pasture: A type of land use where domestic livestock are kept and fed.
  • Grassland: A large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing.
  • Prairie: A type of temperate grassland that experiences hot summers and cold winters.
  • Savanna: A mixed woodland-grassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close.
  • Steppe: A large area of flat unforested grassland in southeastern Europe or Siberia.

See Also

External links


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