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Matronymic (pronunciation: /məˈtrɒnɪmɪk/) is a term used in the field of Anthropology and Etymology to describe a naming convention where an individual's name is based on their mother's or a maternal ancestor's name. This is in contrast to the more commonly used Patronymic naming system, where the name is derived from the father's or a paternal ancestor's name.


The term "Matronymic" is derived from the Latin word 'mater' meaning 'mother', and the Greek word 'onyma' meaning 'name'. It is used to denote a naming system that is matrilineal in nature, i.e., it follows the female line of descent.


Matronymic names are less common than patronymic names, but they are found in various cultures around the world. For example, in some Icelandic communities, a child may be given a matronymic surname if the mother is the more prominent parent. In Russian culture, matronymic names are used as middle names.

Related Terms

  • Patronymic: A naming system where an individual's name is based on their father's or a paternal ancestor's name.
  • Metronymic: A less commonly used term that also refers to a name derived from the mother's name.
  • Matrilineality: A system in which one belongs to one's mother's lineage.

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