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Maintain (pronounced: /meɪnˈteɪn/) is a term commonly used in the medical field. It originates from the Latin word "manutenere", which means to hold in the hand, uphold, or support.

In a medical context, maintain refers to the ongoing care or treatment necessary to preserve or improve a patient's health status. This can include a wide range of activities, from administering medication to performing physical therapy.

Related Terms

  • Health Maintenance: An approach to healthcare where the primary focus is on prevention and early detection of diseases.
  • Maintenance Therapy: A treatment plan designed to help a patient maintain their current health status and prevent further deterioration.
  • Maintenance Dose: The dose of a medication that maintains the desired level of the drug in the body.
  • Maintenance Phase: A phase in treatment where the goal is to maintain the patient's improved health status.


The term "maintain" is pronounced as /meɪnˈteɪn/.


The term "maintain" comes from the Latin word "manutenere", which means to hold in the hand, uphold, or support.

See Also

External links


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